Reliving the past,
The world rolled by,
With it’s variety vast.
The silence played in my ears,
A game with my thoughts.
Lost in their romp,
I became my ghost.
One with inhuman power,
I flowed through time and space.
Seeing my life flash before me,
Myself, I could finally face!
The product of a life,
Lived hard and wrongly made.
One which burned through,
Making my soul fade.
Making me a lost cause,
Forced solitude burdened me,
Leaving me astray in the desert,
Forever free.
A fork came to sight,
Like the many faced before.
But void of all feeling,
I became destiny’s whore.
Doom moved my limbs
Into the path of the haze,
Into the haze of the purposeless.
Bodies moved there,
Gazing into nothing.
A movement so haunted.
They pulled me in their medley.
Sight blinded,
Legs unmoving,
I became one with the shapes.
One of their many soldiers,
With nothing to gaze,
But my mind revelled in the peace,
The finality of my eternal chase.